poniedziałek, 23 maja 2011


Hej! We met on the trip to Toruń. We will give you some quiz:
1) Does Hungary belong to European Union?
 a) Yes
 b) No
 c) I don’t know
2) Which sentence is correct? 
   (Moja mama ma na sobie dzisiaj sweter. )
a) My mom dresset is a sweters.
b) My mom dressed today sweater.
c) My mom is wearing a sweater today.
   3)Which team does Ronaldinho play in?
a) Flamengo Rio de Janeiro
b) AC Milan
c) FC Barcelona
4)Which is the famous colour of Mrs Joanna Muszalska?
a) Green
b) Blue
c) Red
d) Purple
   5) Do you remember which school we go to?
a) Szkoła Podst. nr 11 im. Stefana Batorego
b) Szkoła Podst. nr 11 im. Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego
c) Szkoła Podst. nr 16 im. Bolesława Krzywoustego


1. Don’t leave your guardian or parents when you are on holiday.
2. Don’t go into the water if you can’t swim or if there is no lifeguard nearby.
3. Don’t talk to strangers.
4. If it shines a lot you must use some cream so that your skin could look and be healthy.
5. If it shines a lot put on a cap or a hat to protect against the sun.
6. Don’t drop litter in public places.
7. Don’t frighten or scare animals.
8. Don’t make fire in a forest.

From Patrycja Michalska, Vie

poniedziałek, 16 maja 2011


16 th May, 2011- VI A and VIE went to GIMNAZJUM NR 4. They visited the GIMNAZJUM because they are leaving Primary School this year and they have to choose a new school: Junior High School. It's not easy to decide which school would be the best that's why we(Mrs Joanna Muszalska and Mrs Ilona Konieczka) organized a trip to one of the best Junior High Schools in Inowrocław to show our pupils how such a school works and what English lessons look like.

An English teacher from the GIMNAZJUM- Mrs Monika Szulkowska- was the coordinator of our visit and she showed us everything and answered our questions concerning the school, classes, clubs and things like that.

The first room we visited was a Computer Room, in which there is an interactive board. Everyone who wants to use a computer can come here and work even long hours. Students have both English and Computer Science in the room. Mrs Szulkowska told us that next year the school will have interactive activity books and , in this way, students will be able to do their homework at home and send it to their teacher, hence they won't have to carry the heavy books to school. It's a perfect solution, isn't it?

There are a lot of separate computer stands here with the full equipment for each student:
One of our pupils tried to solve a task on the board and he made no mistake. Excellent , David!!!

The teacher also organized some exercises which were examples of tasks included in placement tests in English which all first grade pupils of Junior High school have to take. They weren't so difficult, however a few pupils didn't remember some vocabulary:

We also saw a day-care room. There were students doing their homework there so we didn't want to disturb them. The room is smaller than ours but it it really nice and cute:
This is the next room we visited: a foreign language room with special stands and desks to learn and practise languages. It is really great: special earphones, tables arranged in a semicircle, a teacher's desk with equipment controlling students' work......The classroom is new and  fresh because this year there has been created a bilingual class in the school - which means that there will be more English and three subjects like Computer Science, Physics/ Biology, History will be conducted in English:
A teacher's desk:

Mrs Szulkowska played a native speaker speech and some song in English, so our children could listen to real English- they liked it very much:
And again, our pupils had some tasks but they managed to do them correctly and with fun:

On the way back we noticed a cat hunting for birds:
The trip and visit to GIMNAZJUM was nice and pleasant. We chose the way downtown so that some pupils could buy ice cream or chips and relax a bit before the next lessons:

sobota, 7 maja 2011


On the 6th May 2011 we visited Universytet Mikołaja Kopernika in Toruń(English philology) and British Council(Language Library). We went there together with 9 pupils from Primary School in Ośniszczewko. We had lectures and classes in English prepared by students of English philology.
We eagerly waited for the lectures in Collegium Maius:
The girls were very quiet and patient:
And here are some photos of the lectures and classes the pupils attended:
The pupils were concentrated and active, although some of them were shy at the beginning.
During lectures the pupils were also asked to stand in front of others and do different activities:
The best and most interesting exercises were, in pupils' opinion, prepared by Miss Ania. She was very energetic and vividly encouraged the pupils to participate in her presentation:

The activities were various. For example, the boys had to touch their noses or shrug their shoulders. First, they were given papers with the instructions in English, and they had to show the activities without saying anything. The rest of the pupils tried to guess what they were doing(in English, of course)

Two of the students pretended to be a couple of old people and they even dressed up a bit. In this way, they introduced "used to" structure and practised it with the pupils.
Some of the exercises were focused on pupil's individual work:

After the lectures at UMK, we went to BRITISH COUNCIL, where a nice librarian showed the pupils around and told them about all the sections and activities of the language library: 

She showed the pupils a large dictionary worth 2000 pounds. Those who want to check some word in it have to use a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass has a small torch so it is possible to use the dictionary when it's dark. The letters in the dictionary are extremely small because it comprises several dozen volumes of Britanica dictionaries and that's why a magnifying glass is needed. It is very useful especially when a student has a lot of stuff to translate, because he or she doesn't have to come up to a shelf every time he or she needs another volume.
For some pupils it was unbelievable and they wanted to see the small letters with their own eyes:

                                       In spite of tiredness the children were smiling and glad.
     The library has a lot of books, cassettes, videoes, magazines, newspapers... on different topics and from
                                                                       various fields of life:
         Before coming back home we all went to Krzywa Wieża, however nobody managed to lean straight 
                                                                    against the wall:
                   We also walked on Piłsudzki Bridge and admired the beautiful panorama of Toruń:
In between lectures and the visit in British Council we went downtown and to a nice green place with a modern fountain: 
Some of the boys and girls tried to run among the streams of the fountain water and they had a  lot of fun(and also wet socks, shoes and trousers' legs, of course).

               Here are some photos of children from Primary School who were in Toruń with us:

                                                 Marta, Marika, Kasia, Weronika:

                                                Marika and Kasia during the first lecture:

                                         The first two rows "belonged "to SP in Ośniszczewko:

                                 Amadeusz, Damian, Krzysiu and Justyna were sitting in the first row:

                                     Justyna at the white board. She managed to do the exercise:

                     Miss Ania was very nice and she tried to encourage the boys to do the exercise:
                      Marta, Marika, Weronika, Krzysztof and Amadeausz together with another student:

                                                 Concentrated and sometimes surprised:

                                         Krzysztof, Damian and Amadeusz:

                                    Wow! What a nice picture: Marta, Kasia and Weronika again:

                                          In the Library everybody was interested and curious:

                                         The girls: Marika and Marta: nice and smiling:

                                          Marika and Kasia in the foreground:

                                          On Piłsudzki bridge coming back to the coach:

The trip to UMK and British Council library succeeded and gave lots of pleasure and satisfaction both to pupils and the teachers who organized it: Joanna Muszalska and Ilona Konieczka.